The Power of Rituals: My Sunday Catchup

Dan Jacob
3 min readJan 4, 2021

In 2015 I started a ritual I called Caesar Sunday (read about it here)

When I started, I was skeptical it could last a year. I had never kept a New Year’s resolution and figured at some point I would lose interest or something in my schedule would prevent me from keeping the streak alive. However around Week #12 something happened.

I had built a habit — a ritual that had become part of my life — and friends were starting to notice. People began reaching out to me in private Facebook messages or via text, asking if they could take part in Caesar Sunday.

Caesar Sunday 2015
2015: My Year of Caesars

This simple ritual became something I looked forward to. It helped me be more mindful of time passing each week, and established a forcing mechanism to ensure I was being intentional about connecting live with friends versus just scrolling their social feeds.

After successfully meeting up with a different friend every week all year, I felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

Let’s be honest, usually the words “accomplishment” and “52-weeks of day-drinking” aren’t used in the same sentence; but I really did feel proud of seeing my little project through to the end of the year without skipping a week.

Caesar Sundays taught me that establishing a weekly ritual — however simple or well garnished it might be— is a powerful way to build something meaningful in one’s life.

And so after a momentous year of day-drinking I thought it only fitting to continue this Sunday ritual. Except this time, try and lose some of the Clamato calories I had put on during the year. Instead of Caesars, I decided to catch-up with a different friend while doing something active. In 2016 Sweaty Sundays was born.

This ritual was almost as fun as day-drinking and gave me a chance to try some activities I never would have sought out otherwise —like extreme archery, blow-dart planking and urban portaging (yes, you read that right — watch the video!)

It also didn’t matter where I was physically.

The ritual came with me whether I was in Toronto, New York, Calgary, or Dubai. One Sunday in Boston I even got the chance to run with Michael Phelps . A total Sweaty Sunday highlight.

Then in 2017 something happened.

Work got busy. I got promoted and I moved to New York City and would fly back to Toronto on weekends to see my girlfriend at the time (now wife). A year later my daughter was born and new rituals took its place. From washing bottles and changing diapers, to just wanting to nap whenever I could —there didn’t seem to be enough time to prioritize friendships I valued— and my Sunday ritual gradually faded away.

Interestingly, the global pandemic and lockdown of the past year created an emotional void similar to what I felt in 2015 when I started Caesar Sundays. I missed not being able to travel, explore the city and see people I loved.

Upon reflection, I realized — I’ve done this before! And so a resolution I’ve made for 2021 is to revive My Sunday Catchup — this time with coffee!

For this year’s Sunday catch-up I’ve also added a twist.

I’m asking friends during our catch-up for something they could use help with. My hope is that others who see the request will lend a hand, and help make this simple Sunday ritual into something that pays it forward and connects us all a little more in the coming year.



Dan Jacob

A connector who is passionate about embracing technology to solve problems, share knowledge and build community.